Analogue Telephone Switch-Off Delayed but Preparation Still Vital.
4th Jun 2024 In News By ADNS IT Expert

While we reported in November, that the nation’s analogue ISDN and PSTN network telephone systems will be permanently switched off in 2025. It has been announced in May that this has in fact been pushed back to January 2027

Whilst there has been an extension, It still means there is just 19 months to go until the transition to digital. ADNS can help you with your transition to digital and with our broad range of connectivity services, even if you are in a region currently with poor broadband, we have a solution for you to futureproof your business.

Digital telephone and communication solutions

One solution, which many businesses large and small are turning to is Voice Over Internet Protocol, or VoIP. 

Rather than providing a service through traditional copper cables, VoIP phone systems utilise your internet connection, allowing you to make and receive calls with no limits, through the IP telephony network. 

Analogue systems use circuit switching for connecting calls so when a call is made through the PSTN network, the two are connected in a circuit.  VoIP instead uses packet switching, sending data only when needed. Rather than a constant circuit, a brief, instant connection is created each time you speak. 

Multiple calls and easy set up

Using VoIP for their telephone communication means businesses can make more than one call at any time, with both long distance and domestic calls being a much higher quality than with the analogue network.  

A VoIP system is also quick and easy to set up. ADNS Group can reduce your risk of downtime and increase your productivity by introducing VoIP to immediately take the place of the analogue line, before the switch off takes place.  

Added Flexibility for business

For SMEs, flexibility is everything. Another key advantage of VoIP? Flexibility and scalability.

Allowing greater portability, VoIP is available to download on existing smartphones, meaning all staff can have a direct line wherever they are. There is also a flexibility in costs. As VoIP only requires an internet connection, businesses will save on additional hardware and equipment that may be required with the current analogue telephone systems.  

VoIP also allows for scalability. As your business grows, so too can your communication. You are able to add or remove numbers almost instantly, quickly onboarding new staff members to the systems. 

Safe and secure

Security threats such as fraudulent or scam calls continue to be a favoured tactic of cyber criminals. At best, they are an annoyance or inconvenience. At worst, they can have a devastating effect on your business’ reputation. 

However, by utilising and leveraging advancements in IP technology including identity management and encryption, threats can be mitigated, reducing your IT-based risk. 

With a hosted VoIP system from ADNS Group, you will get the added benefit and reassurance that our team of experts will monitor and protect your network without the need for you to deal with threats internally, further saving you time and worry. 

Stay connected and contact ADNS today to discuss how we can get you ready for the analogue switch off with a bespoke VoIP solution tailored to your business’ requirements.