4 Ways to Improve Your Remote Working Security
13th May 2020 In Security By Jack Francis

While working from home its vital to stay safe from cybercriminals and keep company data secure

1 Stay up to date on software updates and patches

Most devices will get notifications that software updates are available for your devices, it is important not to delay as the update may contain valuable safety patches to deal with new cyber attacking exploits and help protect your data. Keep in mind your device may update automatically you should be able to check all this in your settings.

2 Stay vigilant for Coronavirus-themed phishing emails

Cybercriminals are exploiting the panic surrounding the coronavirus outbreak to send fake information with dangerous links to company emails. These emails may appear to have come from company officials or other official looking sources asking you to open a link which most likely links to a maleware source corrupting your device. This is a fast moving situation and there is no catalouge of all COVID-19 related malicious cyber activity therefore you must stay alert to any new cybercriminal activity and take proactive steps to increase your online protection.

3 Use any company assured VPN's

A  VPN short for virtual private network, can help protect the data you send and receive while working from home. A VPN provides a secure link between employees and their business by encrypting data and helping protect said data from cybercriminals. This becomes even more important when it comes to sending financial information, customer data, strategy documents, a VPN helps keep all this information out of the hands of cybercriminals and competitors

4 Eight characters is not enough

The software we use has become more important than ever, so its a good time to practice good password management. Eight letters is not enough, you need a mix of characters individual to each site you use. There are tools available to help store passwords securely, we recommend lastpass to keep the logins to all your sites safe. https://www.lastpass.com/

Get in touch today for more information and what we can offer your company to increase you online security. Call us at 01642 248 750 or message social@adnsgroup.com and keep your information safe in this time of crisis.